Why Go Customer-Centric?

Putting customers at the center produces loyal, active customers and moves your organization toward long-term competitive advantage.

Two Leaders, One Topic: Leading Customer-Centric Transformation

Claire Burns, Chief Customer Officer, MetLife and Ramesh Ramanathan, Founder and Chairman, Janalakshmi Microfinance, India

According to customer centricity expert Claire Burns, “orienting all the activities of the firm around the customer” is the number-one tenant of a customer-centric business approach. Strong leaders understand the importance of going out in the field – frequently – to meet customers where they are. How you create products and deliver services, how you handle interactions and experiences are all firmly based on knowing and bringing your customers’ personal experience to life inside your organization, every day.

Claire Burns from MetLife and Ramesh Ramanathan from Janalakshmi, India, discuss the customer-centric business approach

From Product-Centric to Customer-Centric

Doug Leather, Customer Centricity Expert, author of The Customer-Centric Blueprint

Customer-centric transformation requires a very significant – but challenging – shift: moving your organizational mindset from revolving around products to revolving around customers.

But how do you actually lead this shift? Developing a deep understanding of your organization’s customer capabilities is a good place to start (you’ll find plenty of tools in our Resources Library). It’s also essential that your executive team truly understands what customer centricity is and how a deep commitment to the practice has the potential to transform your bottom line.

Customer centricity expert Doug Leather leads a workshop on customer experience

Customers Vote with Their Wallet

John Rubio, CEO, Global Fintech Innovations (GFI)

Your organization is on the road to becoming more customer-centric – now how do you ensure that the focus on customers stays top-of-mind, every day? Actually, your customers will tell you…by “voting” with their wallets. It’s critical to stay engaged with customers, to talk and listen to them – or they’ll take their wallet and walk away. Keep the focus on customer loyalty by designing, delivering, and responding to their needs and wants through constant dialogue.

John Rubio, CEO of Global Fintech Innovations (GFI), speaks about customer experience and customer centricity